Friday, November 16, 2007

No Means What?

No...two little big meaning. My daughter is two. Yes, the terrible twos. The day has come which I have dreaded...the overdramatic- everything is a tantrum- and everything is NO.

"Littlebit, let's change clothes."
"N O!"

"Littlebit, time to go bye-byes."
"N O bye-byes!"

"Time to eat, Littlebit."
"N O time eat Littlebit!"

Yes, everyday brings a new reason for no. Mind you she does not just say no either...she all of a sudden turns into a method actor, drawing from deep inside of those memories of not getting the toy at Target. She flings her body forward onto the ottoman and utters the longest version of the two letter word which I have yet to hear. All with the sighs (or cries, depends on the mood) for all to hear.

Flip the would be someone from the family

"We want to get together to celebrate the anniversary of your brother-in-law. Can you guys come over at 6 o'clock tomorrow?

"Why of course...would love to."

OK, what is wrong with this? Let me tell you...I get off work at 4:30...on a good day I won't get home until 5:30 (with Littlebit). In-laws live 20 minutes away. I don't care to celebrate other's anniversaries (isn't that for them to celebrate?) Stress, stress, run, run, no fun evening.

Why is it that my two year old can say with such passion and emphasis something that I can't even manage to whisper during this phone call? One would think with all she has taught me on the fine art of saying no, I should be a pro! Quite simply put, she is honest. The consequence of her honesty is a possible time-out. At this point, that is as far as her thinking is. Me on the other hand...well, I am thinking the consequence of the no with about 6 others! I am basically "scared" into a yes.

Sometimes I wish I could be that method-actor two year old again. Fling my body forward and scream no to the question pondered!


Jul said...

Just found your blog and love it!! I love this post! I just did a similar one about my daughter who just turned 2 last week!

iMom said...

No has turned into our international word for hello I do believe!