Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Officially or Unofficially? Is There Really a Difference?

Well, the holidays are officially in the past. My marking point for this is I go back to work tomorrow. As you may know I work at a local private university. We "unofficially" get off for about a week and a half at Christmas. Officially, if we did not get this unofficial- everyone plans on but admisinstration does not put on calendar -holiday time....well, let's just say that this "Christian" campus would officially be not so Christian in thoughts and words! We got off at noon on the 21st and go back tomorrow. Mind you, I have been unofficially been working this break anyways. See, I work with international students and scholars. So, everything involving anything international in nature I do. Or, you could use the definition that our campus post office has of my scope of work. Anyone or thing with a funny sounding name is for me. Boy oh boy this needs to be my official job description because it seems like it is true judging from everything that comes on my desk, in my email or through my phone lines! Over the holidays it seems like nobody (including those that work on campus) understands we are officially closed! I have been to the office, been to FedEx to mail visa paperwork to Nicaragua, emailed a student trying to come Jan. 20th (hahaha that is funny to me...she has not even applied...Athletics Department must be smokin' something if they think this is happening)...emailing back and forth a professor who went early on study abroad to London (a whole 'nother blog post...I am leaving Jan. 12th with a group of students too) wanting to know if he can stay in our house (our university owns a flat in London) that night...the list goes on! Well, I officially get to go back to this and more tomorrow. Officially, back to reality. All in all it is going to be tough. I am going to have to get back into the wake up get the world ready mode. Poor LitlBit is back at school. That is going to be a heartrencher. Going back from a three day weekend and she clinches to me crying! So this is not going to be pleasurable for either of us. She loves her teachers so I know it is just change that gets to her. But man oh man, try telling me that as I walk away from the tear-stained red face! Officially my footlose and fancyfree mini vacation is over. Unofficially my world must quickly turn upside down to reflect such. This just to change once again Jan. 12th.

Ok- I said I would put it in another post...and I probably will put more...but I need to vent a bit. I am going to London for two weeks with a student group. I will be in charge of the house while there. Last year was my first time to do this. I was a wreck the first few days! LitlBit has not (still) spent the night away from home! I can count on both hands (maybe even one) the number of times we have asked for someone to watch her...even then it was grandma. Top that with the fact that I had never flown before (yes you read that right) much less been out of the country...I was a basket case (at least in my opinion). I know it will be better this year since I have done it, it went ok, my computer worked (that was a scare of mine because I planned on video skyping home for free), and LitlBit did not suffer from post-traumatic mommy-left-me-for-two-weeks-syndrome! I still dread it! I get no sympathy either! Everyone seems to think that going to London is just wonderful! Those same folks are not the ones leaving their little one for two weeks though! I love my job. I do. I am able to work from home some. I get good holiday time. I pretty much take off if LitlBit sneezes the wrong way. I guess since having LitlBit I am more into being in the same city as her instead of travel without her.

So, tomorrow work officially begins. Unofficially, my life turns right-side up just to go upside-down again next week...officially (as I have the plane ticket to prove it)!